Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.
Belief Statement
This congregation accepts the Holy Bible as the Word of God, and maintains the New Testament as its only rule of faith and practice. We believe God as Creator, Redeemer with His Son Jesus Christ, and Sustainer through the Holy Spirit. We have received and trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and we strive to follow His commandments.

Mission Statement
The Mission of the church set forth in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) may be defined as having an inner and an outer direction. The inner mission of the church is to nurture its members, seeking ever to bring them more and more to the stature of maturity in Christ. The outer mission of the church is to be related, as God's instruments, to the problems and the needs of all souls is in the world. These two major functions of the church are achieved to the extent that they are under-girded with stewardship of time, talent, and material resources.

Our Church Constitution